March 11, 2011

I want one of these!!!!!

I'm sure most horse owners who've ever stabled their horses agree that cleaning up after them is not a pleasant task. Necessary, yes, but not your favourite chore for the day! Or if you've worked in a stable, cleaning box after box, you would definitely appreciate this invention!

No, it's not an automatic poo-picker, although if someone invented that I'd also be pleased. It's a "house breaking" system to teach your horse to poop in the one spot! Long overdue I say!

It's based on a reward for behaviour - they poop or urinate in the right spot, and they get a food reward. Simple theory, and according to the people who made it, they've got 5 horses using it succesfully. There is a heat sensor that detects when a horse has done its business in the correct spot (they use a grille-covered pit), then an automatic feeder releases the reward. Simple!

There are a few limitations - the system needs to remain there as horses go back to their old "habits" if its removed, and because of the way male horses urinate it isn't as successful for them, although they still learn to poop in the right spot - but it has huge potential!

You can imagine the benefits - less bedding, better hygeine, reduced odour, no more cleaning green spots off your white horse the morning of a show........