February 13, 2011

They never cease to amaze me!

Horses are such tough creatures. They can survive situations that just leave us shaking our heads sometimes, wondering how on earth they could possibly have made it through!

Take Eddie the Arab for example........read his full story here.....who survived a harrowing trip through an irrigation tunnel - over 5km in length! His 16 year old rider was riding along the riverbank when Eddie slipped and fell in. The poor rider just had to let go, and watch poor Eddie sucked under the water and swept away. I can only imagine how terrified both of them were feeling at that moment.

The tunnel is a horseshoe-shaped concrete waterway, which carries 740 cubic feet per second. That's a LOT of water, moving in a big hurry. Eddie would have been in about 2.5m of water, with only about 60cm of head room to breathe. Whta's even scarier, is that to actually get into the tunnel, he would have had to go through a water control gate, which meant he would have been about 1.5m underwater, facing backwards - and remained submerged for about 30m or so!

He remained there for 2 days until he was found by a worker in water to his belly. Amazingly, he only had grazes and cuts to show for his ordeal. He did spike a fever and was given fluids and antibiotics, and has now recovered well.

Read on in the article to the last couple of paragraphs - Eddie sure is one good rescuer!

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